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Goodbye 2022

This year was probably the saddest but the best year because my favorite teacher went to Australia for her daughter in hospital. I moved to Rm 17 probably the best class because im in it but it was a cool, Nicole is so kind, funny but scary in the same time. This was the best year!!

who’s your favorite teacher?

today theatre group was fantastic. they were spot on with there change of voice and how they move is so satisfying. My favourite part was probably the News because 2 people kept on coming and stealing Jasmines mic.

what was your favourite part.

Ponder 6

I think I will choose robot because what happens if a jet pack runs out of battery in the air also robots can play with you on land and jet pack only fly robots can play and read to you.

which one would you pick?

Novel Ponder 4

No I don’t think animals should be taking away from there natural habitat because there will be taken away from there family’s but if they are injured then yes they will have to be taken away from there habitat.

When they injured or really need help that’s when its ok to take an animal away from the wild.

What is your favorite animal?

Blog you later.

I don’t think gorillas should be living in a mall because it would be to small for them to maneuver.

Ivan is lonely but he likes being lonely.

I would live at a jungle.